Welcome to MidiTok’s documentation!

MidiTok is a Python package for MIDI file tokenization, introduced at the ISMIR 2021 LBDs (paper). It tokenize symbolic music files (MIDI, abc), i.e. convert them into sequences of tokens ready to be fed to models such as Transformer, for any generation, transcription or MIR task. MidiTok features most known MIDI Tokenizations, and is built around the idea that they all share common methods. Tokenizers can be trained with BPE, Unigram or WordPiece (Training a tokenizer) and be push to and pulled from the Hugging Face hub! Github repository


pip install miditok

MidiTok uses symusic to read and write MIDI files, and tokenizer training is backed by the Hugging Face 🤗tokenizers for super fast encoding.


If you use MidiTok for your research, a citation in your manuscript would be gladly appreciated. ❤️

You can also find BibTeX Citations of tokenizations.

    title={{MidiTok}: A Python package for {MIDI} file tokenization},
    author={Fradet, Nathan and Briot, Jean-Pierre and Chhel, Fabien and El Fallah Seghrouchni, Amal and Gutowski, Nicolas},
    booktitle={Extended Abstracts for the Late-Breaking Demo Session of the 22nd International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference},
